Rezidence Pavlov, s.r.o., Reg. No. 07176066, VAT ID: CZ07176066
Registered office: Žižkova 1287, 741 01 Nový Jičín
Contact person in Pavlov: 604 329 585

Each person using the suite on the basis of an agreement or with the knowledge of the Operator

Rezidence Pavlov:
All the premises situated inside and around the building situated at Venušina 295, 692 01 Pavlov

Welcome to a suite situated in Residence Pavlov. Thank you for having chosen our suite.

Guests check in for their stay in the agreed time between 14:00 and 19:00 o’clock. Each Guest who is older than 15 must submit a proof of his/her identity at the check-in (an identification card or a passport). Guests may not check in for their stay and enter the suite without a proof of identity. All payments must be made in advance by direct debit. No cash will be accepted on the spot.

Guests check out in the agreed time between 8:00 and 10:00 o’clock; the Guests hand over the suite to the Operator in the same condition as in which they have taken it over, considering usual use. All the possible damage incurred must be reported by the Guests to the Provider without any delay after the occurrence thereof in order to select the method of compensation for the damage before the Guests have checked out.

There are no reception, catering or daily cleaning services in Rezidence Pavlov.

When using the suite, especially the following terms and conditions must be complied with:

  • In relation to the security in the whole area of Rezidence Pavlov (both internal and outdoor premises), there is a strict ban on smoking and fire handling; in the internal premises, there is also a ban on the use of electronic cigarettes;
  • To comply with the principles of decent behaviour, to behave respectfully to other Guests of Rezidence Pavlov, and not to disturb their neighbourhood by noise or any other activities;
  • To comply with the quiet hours between 22:00 and 7:00 o’clock;
  • To use the suite and the furnishings thereof in such a way as to prevent excessive wear and tear or damage;
  • When leaving the suite, it is necessary to switch off the lights, to turn off the water and all the electric appliances, to close all the windows and doors, and to lock the main entrance into the suite;
  • In the event of a water emergency, the main water supply, which is situated at a marked place in the entrance hall of the suite, must be closed without any delay and then the Operator must be contacted at 604 329 585;
  • In the event of a fire, the Guests must take care of their own security, leave the suite as fast as possible, report the fire by calling 150, and then contact the Operator at 604 329 585; if the extent of the fire is small, please use the portable fire extinguisher situated at a marked place in the entrance hall of the suite;
  • Ban on entering the area of Rezidence Pavlov (both the suite and the outdoor premises) with animals;
  • Ban on ventilation while the air-conditioning is on;
  • Ban on plugging in of the Guest’s own electrical devices, with the exception of personal hygiene appliances (an electric razor, a hair dryer, an electric toothbrush, etc.), mobiles, tablets and computers;
  • One parking space in front of Rezidence Pavlov is reserved for each suite; the space is not guarded and is accessible to the public; therefore, please do not leave any valuables in your car – the Operator is not liable for any damage and thefts of your car and things stored therein;
  • Only Guests may enter the suite and the premises of Rezidence Pavlov;
  • The Guests move about the suite and the premises of Rezidence Pavlov at their risk; we recommend supervising your children at all times;
  • The Guests ensure continuous basic cleaning (washing the dishes, cleaning of dirtiness brought in or caused, throwing away and sorting of waste in containers specified by the Provider – dust bins, etc.).

Guests are obliged to comply with the Provider’s instructions, especially with the above-mentioned instructions and written instructions placed in the suite; if the Provider’s instructions are not complied with, the Provider may terminate the Guest’s stay in the suite without notice and banish the Guest out of the area of Rezidence Pavlov without any compensation and without any refund of the price of the stay.

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